Sand Dune Shores Resort, Palm Beach Shores, Florida

NOTICE IS FORTHWITH FORMALLY GIVEN of the following nonjudicial foreclosure sale(s) presently set: 

  • RESORT: Sand Dune Shores Resort
  • SPONSOR: Sand Dune Shores Condominium Association Inc.
  • Number of Unit Weeks: 11
  • DATE: December 11, 2024  TIME: 11:00 AM

Sale of 13 Unit/Weeks as identified in the recorded Notice of Sale at Official Records Book 35266 Page 114  in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The instruction from the Sponsor is to sell all of the the unit/weeks in one block.  The total amount we have been instructed to bid on behalf of the Sponsor (and the minimum 3rd party bid) is $155,298.24. This is the total assessments, interest, Trustee’s fees, costs of the foreclosure, costs of recording the Trustee’s Deed and the clerk of the court administrative fee.  If you are interested in bidding, then please see the BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS HERE .